bodywork for parents and babies


The physiological process of knitting together and birthing a baby is profoundly elegant and powerful. From the point of view of the pregnant person or the new parent, it may feel decidedly less elegant than one would hope. Early parenthood lays bare your strengths and vulnerabilities in a way that little else can. Your pregnant body may blossom with newfound confidence and creativity, or it may feel like a storm has blown through.

During birth, what inner resources will you draw on to carry yourself and your baby through? After birth, will you show yourself the same kindness you show your child? As you step into the role of nurturer, it is essential to nurture yourself. The self-care habits you cultivate now lay the groundwork for a more balanced relationship with your child and partner, and provide a good example for your children as they grow into self-regulating beings. Preconception, pregnancy, birth, and the time postpartum is a unique window, an opportunity for empowerment, for diving deeply into your body.

FERTILITY In preparation for conception and pregnancy, Structural Integration can be deeply beneficial. I believe that the ability to give and receive nutrients, oxygen, life itself, can be influenced by the suppleness and vibrance of the fascial matrix. Conception and implantation require a complex collaboration of almost magical currents within the body, raw materials, and luck. I have great respect for the courage of people who endure infertility and pregnancy loss, and I would never promise you a baby as a result of our work together. I am not a medical professional. I do however have a great deal of experience supporting people who are trying to conceive, and I have seen that the embodiment and fullness that Structural Integration evokes can have far-reaching effects. Restrictions in uterine ligaments, in lumbar, abdominal, and pelvic fascia, sometimes even dysfunctional patterns in the legs, may divert vital energy. Trying to conceive may ignite long-smoldering hopes and fears, beliefs about our bodies, our sense of order and security.

Dr. Rolf (the creator of Structural Integration) had a vision of a dynamic vertical axis by which gravity pours through our bodies. She said, “The Line is an infinite smallness around which we organize.” I find that image so beautiful; it reminds me of the unknowable microscopic complexity of a developing embryo. In times of uncertainty, there is solace in turning our awareness to gravity, surrendering to this simple and steadfast organizing principle.

PREGNANCY Pregnancy and birth are not pathological. Though we may seek out medical guidance or intervention, birthing people deserve care that respects our bodily autonomy. We deserve a witness to our wild intelligence and ancestral intuition. Structural Integration puts you clearly in charge of yourself and your sensory experience. It invites you to “re-wild” your body, to return to your senses and your instincts. In prenatal sessions, we will attend to the important work of freeing the pelvis in preparation for birth and making space for optimal fetal positioning. Rolfing can ameliorate round ligament pain, help balance a respiratory diaphragm compressed by the rising uterus, bring support to a slipped pubic symphysis. I have a full toolbox with which to address various tricks pregnancy might play on your body, but my broader focus is to continually bring attention to the flow of gravity, to awaken your sense of poise, and to remind you of your wholeness.

POSTPARTUM Every birth is different. What story does your body have to tell? Where are you now? What can you sense in this new place?

As a Structural Integrator, I listen, follow, and offer clear physical direction where there is imbalance or dissonance. Structural Integration’s brilliance at evoking core support is especially helpful for postpartum people. I am fascinated with the work of rebalancing and remapping the pelvis, tonifying and bringing awareness to the pelvic floor (and all of the bandhas) after birth. I may contact scar tissue, damaged nerve tissue, places within your body that feel vulnerable or stuck. My approach is gentle, and I dance lightly with traumatic energy when it comes up. Together we might simply hold and track waves of emotion and internal sensation, keeping the focus on the body.

I humbly offer physical support to new parents who are doing the rigorous work of healing, nursing, carrying, worrying, entraining to infant sleep-wake patterns, negotiating familial boundaries, caring for siblings, balancing careers, and reimagining identities. 

BABIES I am learning to work with babies. Through my doula and lactation practice, I have had the opportunity to do bodywork with quite a few little ones over the years, some of whom were born with torticollis, hip dysplasia, dysfunctional cranial patterns, and other difficulties. I’ve seen what a huge difference skillful touch can make for a baby’s latch and ability to nurse. I’ve studied developmental movement and have a keen interest in helping parents support early crawling and walking. If you have worked with me and you would like to bring your child in for an assessment and some gentle integration work, I offer a special discount for babies and children.


bodywork for every body


structural integration f.a.q.